Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Company Policy: "No hiring until Obama is gone"

As seen on trucks in and around Georgia "New Company Policy - We are not hiring until Obama is gone".  And the owner says the response has been 20-1 in favor of these signs!

1 comment:

Da Curly Wolf said...

yep and some of my friends are appropriately outraged saying "See the repbulicans deliberately destroyed, ARE destroying the economy so they can blame obama!" children..these companies just have no intention of pissing into a feces filled rathole!

Same friend was also perturbed about Fox trying to "Spin" the UC pepper spray incident and trivialize it on Bill O Reilly by saying "look it's essentially a food product." Which is factually accurate. So I don't see how saying it's a "food product" is "trying to spin" the story. Sigh..liberalism really IS a mental disorder