Thursday, July 26, 2012

Classic. Michelle Malkin takes Liberal Tamara Holder to the Woodshed:

This one is going around as the moment Michelle tells Tamara "Shush" and later brings up the "Blame Righty Syndrome". It's actually much better than that. Michelle Sparks fly in this heated debate between Michelle Malkin and Tamara Holder, as the "Blame Righty" syndrome of the progressive left is defined and exposed for exactly what it is.
Michelle Malkin vs. Tamara Holder:

1 comment:

TeaPartyReaganConservative said...

Michelle was just awesome !! She slammed this and all liberal parasites all over the pavement, figuratively speaking, and exposed her and all her bigoted vitriolic liberal cohorts for what they really are, a bunch anti-American socialist-marxist hate filled troglodytes who have only 1 mindset- politically motivated malice and hate to destroy the truth & all that is good in this world.

You Go Michelle !! Well done.