Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brrr - Growing Ice Sheets, Growing Glaciers... Is a new ICE AGE coming?

Today at breakfast Mr and Mrs Common Cents were having a civil morning discussion when the topic of Global Warming came up.  Mrs Common cents made a comment that "the Arctic ice sheets are disappearing."  Now Mr. Common Cents can hardly blame Mrs Common Cents for this view.  After all there have been years, no decades, of Global Warming brainwashing by the school system and the State Run Media.  Well Common Cents is here to clear things up for you.  Consider the following stories:
Brrr - Sea Ice is growing at the Fastest Pace on Record!

Brrr - Alaskan Glaciers are growing for the first time in 250 years!

Brrr - Antarctic Sea Ice at Record High

Brrr - Alaska's ice thickens over unusual summer

Brrr - Arctic ice twice as thick as expected

Brrr - Antarctic sea ice up 4.7% since 1980

Brrr - Arctic Sea Ice Refreezes at Record Pace

Brrr - Glaciers growing in France, Switzerland

Brrr - Glaciers in Norway are growing again!

Brrr - Nov 2009 rate of Arctic sea ice growth slightly exceeded the 1979 to 2000 average growth rate


Ticker said...

Ahhh, but it's all caused by Global Warming, don't you know anything?

This GW BS has been ongoing since the late 1800's and so far none of us are swimming for the lifeboats. Just how long does it take for GW to cause the seas to rise to the level claimed by the eco-idiots? I'll give you a hint, when hell freezes over!

Unknown said...

u asked to share links, i added you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great articles, Steve, with MANY links to check out. I wish more people in our country would take time to read and learn what is EXACTLY going on...

Merry Christmas.