Monday, October 25, 2010

The absolute best editorial page you will read

is Investor's Business Daily. IBD prints easy-to-read, concise and hard hitting editorials that tout the benefits of free enterprise.

ObamaCare:  Finding things we don't like in the Democrats' overhaul legislation is becoming an almost daily event. Add to the list the possibility that a provision in the bill could be almost six times more costly than the initial estimate.

WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction): Iraq War documents released by WikiLeaks show that U.S. forces frequently encountered weapons of mass destruction facilities and specialists. A former president is owed an apology.

Fiscal Responsibility:  Facing historic electoral losses, big-spending Democrats have stooped to lying about Rep. Paul Ryan's innovative plan to save Social Security — aided and abetted by the establishment media.

Election 2010:  Nine days before Americans go to the polls, CBS' "60 Minutes" tells the true story of just how many of them are in the unemployment line. Brother, can you spare a vote?

Islamofascism:  O'Reilly, Whoopi and Joy are all wrong. The 9/11 terrorists weren't "Muslim extremists" or just plain "Muslims." A liberal newspaper reporter says they were model Muslims.  More precisely, they were "perfect soldiers" for Allah, says Los Angeles Times national correspondent Terry McDermott.

War:  With WikiLeaks exposing new U.S. secrets, the worst revelation is that the U.S. is vulnerable. As President Obama obsesses about exiting Iraq and Afghanistan, the leaks show that Iran is taking advantage.

Election '10:  Megalomania and chutzpah has been redefined with the Senate majority leader's assertion that without him we'd be in worldwide depression. Unfortunately, he couldn't save his home state of Nevada.

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