Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Full Video: Anthony Weiner and Wife Speak in New Press Conference - New Sexual Predator Allegations

FULL PRESS CONFERENCE - Anthony Weiner and Wife Speak in New Press Conference, Take Questions --- New York mayoral candidate and former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner was forced to hold a press conference Tuesday afternoon to address new sexually-explicit messages exposed by TheDirty.com earlier today. He admitted that he continued to conduct online relationships with women after his resignation from Congress and said he "hopes" New Yorkers are "still willing to give me a second chance."
Anthony Weiner and Wife Speak in New Press Conference

1 comment:

  1. If his wife admits, after being pressured to publicly respond as shown in your video, that it has taken a lot of "hard work" and a "lot of therapy" for her to save their marriage, what can Joe Public expect with this man servicing their interests?
