Sunday, September 8, 2024

Introducing (again) Issues and Insights editorials

 Awesome editorial page here - "Issues and Insights".   

As it has done every month this year, the Biden administration continues to gaslight the public about job growth. Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports headline-grabbing job-creation numbers, then quietly cuts that number in subsequent months – often by huge amounts.

The global warming alarmist cabal continues to spin its many yarns and press forward with its propaganda program. Maybe the zealots are becoming desperate because they see the facts aren’t lining up with their hyperbole.

Coach Walz Wins The Night — By Running The Veep Playbook To A T

For months, skeptics of DEI mandates have celebrated as Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and even the Ivy League have rolled back DEI programs. The Supreme Court’s 2023 ruling against affirmative action appeared to cool Americans’ re-infatuation with treating people differently according to race.

The World Held Hostage, Day 300: Countering Kamala’s Condescension, Bibi Bombs Away

The current electoral cycle has featured a political culture in which candidates and their partisans claim to be advancing unity, but the primary form of the unity advanced is agreement among some that they want what does not belong to them or to dictate what others can do, and that they want government to “make it happen.” Unfortunately, that is not the kind of widespread unity that benefits “we the people.”


Again via Issues and Insights

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