Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Introducing "Issues and Insights"

The editors of Investors.com have created a new editorial page called "Issue and Insights" which is an amazing read.  You can spend minutes on I&I or even hours on each visit. A sampling of some of those editorials below:

We’ll Wear Masks Again When They Force Them Onto Our Cold, Dead Faces 
When it was clear that our liberties were going to be violated by public officials’ overreaction to the 2020 novel coronavirus outbreak, we considered encouraging Americans to engage in civil disobedience against the unlawful orders that were about to be issued. We regret that we did not write that editorial. We have no such hesitation in 2024, though.

When the COVID test positivity rate surged last month, surpassing the summer peaks of 2022 and 2023, a few voices insisted that we needed to go back to the asinine rules of 2020............

A Most Obvious Lie
While at times it’s been hard to pin down just what Kamala Harris stands for – somehow she’s both a tough prosecutor and an advocate for defunding the police – she is at her core a hard-left progressive. But her campaign team, which includes the mainstream media, is putting in the extra hours to recast her as a centrist.

Don’t fall for the lie.

In the weeks following her party coronation, never-received-a-vote-outside-of-California Harris has been presented to voters as a “sober-minded centrist.” Other media outlets and personalities have eagerly covered her fundamental transition.........

Banned In California

Was Ist Verboten

No Tips Tax Plus Tariffs Make For A Good … And Original … Debate

Again - please check out Issues & Insights and spread the word!!

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