Wednesday, November 12, 2008


ROCK ON: Ted Nugent on what ails the GOP.

HOW TO STEAL A SENATE SEAT: Minnesota Senate race is still in limbo.

CAN YOU SAY SCARY: Rahm Emanuel discusses the Civilian Security Force.

AMNESTY FOR ALL: Obama's illegal auntie given special protection - along with millions more.

THE BEAR IS BACK: Stocks meltdown since Obama was elected:
Down 10% in last 8 days!


shoprat said...

We need to get Ted to come move to Michigan and replace governor Granholm.

Anonymous said...

The economy is falling after Barack Obama was elected? No way, he's the messiah, that can't happen.

Trader Rick said...

If Obama thinks his Gestapo is going to greeted with Open arms around here, he's sorely mistaken. Scary for us? Scary for him...

Chuck said...

On this Franken issue. I am starting to believe they will steal this election. I think it's a certainty that he will win, the SOS and the local democratic leaning election officials will see to it.

Brooke said...