Friday, October 3, 2008


A caller on the Laura Ingraham show recently made the point that the Obama - Biden ticket is the least qualified and least experienced Presidential Ticket in American History. Today's morning post will explore this:
  • EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE: Neither Obama or Biden have any Executive Experience whatsoever. Neither has ever been a city councilman, a mayor or a governor. Traditionally, all recent presidents have been governors (Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, etc). Executives make daily decisions - they do not have the luxury of voting "Present" or taking nuanced positions.
  • BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: Neither Biden or Obama have any business experience. They have never ran a business or started a business. Small business is the job growth engine of America and in many ways government is a business. Any Dairy Queen owner or Gas Station owner have more experience than either of them.
  • MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Again, neither Obama or Biden have spent even a day in the military. Neither has ever given a military order or taken one. Biden got FIVE deferements to avoid service in Viet Nam. America has a long history of Military Commanders being elevated to president.
  • LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE: Obama declared his candidacy for the presidency after spending only 143 working days in the US Senate. During that time he has compiled the most liberal voting record in the body (even more left-wing than Bernie Sanders a socialist senator from Vermont). Shortly after being elected as a Senator from Illinois in 2004 Obama himself said he wouldn't have enough experience to run for president in 2008.
Juxtapose that against Senator McCain (22 years in the US Military - commander of a Navy base with a Billion dollar budget) and Governor Palin (small business owner, Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and Governor of our largest state).

Tell us what you think... Are Obama and Biden the least qualified Presidential Team in US History or is there another ticket with even less experience?


Nancy Swider said...

Excellent post. Yes, Obama Biden are probably the least qualified nominees in history. Biden has experience, but he has experience in being wrong and on the wrong side of pivotal issues. Voted against the first gulf war, ect, not to mention his plagiarism problems. Obama, of course, barely in the senate half a year before he started running. Contrast this to the McCain/Palin ticket where you have an experienced senator and an executive. That is a balanced and experienced ticket.

Chuck said...

I remember a Fox commnetator, I want to say Kruthammer but am unsure, saying that Obama has the distinction of being the least quilified candidate for commander in chief ever.

It drives me nuts when I hear Obama has more experience than Palin. What in his history are they basing it on?

Jannie Funster said...

Are you sure this is true? MSNBC and, ABC, CNN et al have reported absolutely zero about this, and we all know how fair and balanced they are!

Oh that's right, they are bowing down to the Messiah. Surprised they haven't started playing Handel every time His name gets mentioned or just before they air one of His insipid lying ads.

Folks, Rush told us today not to be depressed. We can win this thing. Let's go on and sign up to do our part.

I know I am!

Hamilton said...

Obama’s greatest and only accomplishment: he has eloquently sugar coated socialism and made it seems sweet to the majority of the American people. Or so it seems; the polls all say so, the MSM pundits have the election over and Obama the landslide victor; oh well so much for actual news reporting.

I would love to have a link back: Thanks for visiting my site, I now have a link at the Hamilton Post to Common Cents and I checkout your work daily.