Thursday, November 13, 2008


This map clearly shows the facts of Global Warming. The areas of the US that are warming are in red and shades of red. As you can clearly see the red areas are overwhelming and overtaking the entire continent! The entire map looks like a giant tomato due to the Tsunami of Global Warming. The evidence is overwhelming Global Warming is a catastrophe, and a disaster in the making!
BTW, the areas of the country that are cooling are color coded in shades of Blue and Shades of Blue.


Chuck said...

I've been skeptical but this is pretty overwhelming evidence.

shoprat said...

When it comes to political truth, as far as the left is concerned, facts are irrelevant.

Always On Watch said...

Obama has stated that one of his first acts as President will be to counter global warming. I wouldn't doubt that he'll issue an executive order to that effect.

nanc said...

holy crappe! looks like the rest of u.s. need to move to southern arizona to get some of that!

i've added you to our blogroll at longrange.

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

The issue is not that global warming should be denied, it's that many of the solutions being shoved down our throats are flat-out dumb. Others make perfect sense.

BB-Idaho said...

Gee, the NOAA US climate 2008 map looks like the 2008 electoral map!
OK, voting doesn't cause climate change, just kidding. The average temperature for any given year falls under the concept of 'noise', the squiggly up and down that is seen in most any long term trend 50 year average has gone up. Causes and cures, as noted by Pasadena CC, are
IMO still up in the air and subject to considerable further argument.

Brooke said...

Let's all freak out in the other direction!

LomaAlta said...

Nice post and great map to show just how thngs really are.
I linked to your site, thanks.

MathewK said...

Hopefully one day people will look back on this global warming nonsense as just that, nonsense. Hopefully we won't all be bankrupted by then.