The morning after the Senate election in Minnesota Republican Norm Coleman was ahead of Democrat Al Franken by over 700 votes. Coleman was declared the winner by AP as 100% of the precincts had reported. Since then over 500 "votes" have turned up for Franken with literally none for Coleman. Minnesota requires an automatic recount if the winning percentage is less than .5% which it is in this case.
Before and during the recount Franken has been aggressively challenging ballots that were cast for Norm Coleman. Amazingly some of the ballots being challenged by Franken are obvious votes for Republican Norm Coleman. You decide who the voter intended to vote for:

or this one:

or this:

This is how you steal an election folks...
You can find an excellent summary of the ballot fiasco
Saw this, this is incredible.
Liberals will go to the farthest extent to steal an election. These ballots are obviously for the Republican candidate. I'm sure if you showed these ballots to a second grader they could tell you that.
the Democrats define democracy as "We win". They think they have a moral right to a victory at any time.
Fraud, thy name is Democrat.
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