November 22, 2008 is Victory in Iraq day. By any measure the US and the Iraqi Army have defeated the enemies of Iraq. We should be proud of the members of our US Service members who prevailed in this war. As another blogger posted:
By every measure, The United States and coalition forces have conclusively defeated all enemies in Iraq, pacified the country, deposed the previous regime, successfully helped to establish a new functioning democratic government, and suppressed any lingering insurgencies. The war has come to an end. And we won. What more indication do you need? An announcement from the outgoing Bush administration? It's not gonna happen. An announcement from the incoming Obama administration? That's really not gonna happen. A declaration of victory by the media? Please. Don't make me laugh. A concession of surrender by what few remaining insurgents remain in hiding? Forget about it. The moment has come to acknowledge the obvious. To overtly declare a fact that has already been true for quite some time now.
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I realized something today. One of two things are going to happen in Iraq. Obama will bring the troops home and get full credit for it though Bush has set the ground work for him. Or, Obam will pull the troops out,the country will fall into chaos and a haven for terrorists and gues who will get the credit for that?
Oh yea, it's a lose-lose situation for Bush unfortunately.
Sadly Chuck is exactly right.
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