Dangerous -50 degree F temps in North Dakota
Blizzard warning issued for Duluth, MN & Superior, WI.
800,000 without power in New England due to Ice Storm
Arctic temps invade Southern California - 28 degrees F at Big Bear Lake
Alaskan glaciers growing for the first time in 250 years!
Average temperature of upper oceans has cooled significantly since 2003
Winter blast spreads across USA - 14 Dead So Far!
So many bought Al Gore's crap hook, line and sinker. Now it's up to them to try to justify their position. Good luck, suckers...
It's called Climate Change now. Because climate change can mean anything. So no matter if it gets colder or hotter rains more or less it's still all our fault.
If we keep on buying new gloves in the winter and new bathing suits in the summer, we will help boost the economy
i just posted about this very topic. i gave this post a shout out...check it out
I'm sitting here after driving home on ice covered streets and slip sliding into school through the parking lot and enduring a two hour delay for school. Thanks for global warming or it might have been worse.
I've lived in Minnesota my whole life (54 years). Two days ago it was -12 with a -30 wind chill. That is below average for this time of year.
It has been warmer and less snowier than usual for the last 7 years.
An average snowfall for a year in Minnesota is about 55 inches, and we usually get about two weeks of below zero temps.
In all my years living in Minnesota, I have seen severe ups and downs in the weather. Weather is cyclical.
I believe one would have to take a look at hundreds of years of weather records, before saying there was a change in the climate, in general.
So I am not yet convinced that we are in a global climate change.
We have to remember that global climate change is NORMAL for our World.
Even if we are not in a global climate change, we would be stupid not to live as smart as possible when it comes to using energy, or polluting our World.
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