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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
"The Man of the Year" Time Magazine
Time Magazine recently choose Barack Obama as their "Person of the Year". While COMMON CENTS has and will in all likelihood have differences with Senator Obama we would like to congratulate him on this high honor. You can read their entire article here. We are all Americans and wish Senator Obama nothing but success in his future endeavors. As Time wrote "Obama is a businesslike boss. He prefers briefing papers tightly written and shows up for meetings fully prepared. He expects people to challenge him when they think he is wrong and to back up their ideas with facts. He's not a shouter — "Hollering at people isn't usually that effective," he explains — but if he thinks you've let him down, you'll know it. "What was always effective with me as a kid — and Michelle and I find it effective with our kids — is just making people feel really guilty," he says. "Like 'Boy, I am disappointed in you. I expected so much more.' And I think people generally want to do the right thing, and if you're clear to them about what that right thing is, and if they see you doing the right thing, then that gives you some leverage."
Barack give a geography lesson to an Oregon audience:
A meaningless choice by an irrelevant left-wing rag.
What Shoprat said.
Obama's comment is a telling one. Notice how he openly admitted to being a manipulative guilt-tripper?
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