Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Naughty or Nice? American Family Association keep track of which retailers support Christmas

Where is he? NORAD tracks Santa Claus' around the world journey

On the record! President-elect Obama interviewed by Federal Prosecutors

Angel Photo? Photo captures angel in a Charlotte hospital:

We love accidents! Seattle refuses to plow snow off roads or use road salt

Marketing coup: Ford Fusion Hybrid get 41 mpg city

Better than you think: President Bush's legacy


Big Tobacco said...

I can't find an email for you, but if you want to link to www.sargeasmic.com , go right ahead.


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

There was a "debate" on the news this morning about this. For God's sake, if the woman believes it's an angel, and that is inspiring her to go forward during this incredibly difficult time, let her hang on to that. Who gives anybody the right to tell her it's not what she believes it is?

Always On Watch said...

AFA's 2008 listing of top retailers and how they recognize Christmas

What's the problem with both of the major office-supply retailers (Office Depot and Staples) that they refuse to recognize the very existence of Christmas?


Merry Christmas 2008! Let us pause on this Holy Day to celebrate the Meaning of the Season.