Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Wednesday April 15th thousands, maybe millions of Americans will band together in what can only be called a true Grass Roots movement. We are talking about the Tea Parties which are being organized in hundreds of cites across America. What are we protesting? How about the largest deficits in world history, a government bureaucracy run amok, the infringement of our 1st, 2nd, 5th and 10th Amendments and much more. Hugh Hewitt said it best:
Hundreds if not thousands of gatherings will take place tomorrow that are under the umbrella of "tea parties." Some ink has been spilled figuring out who started them, and some fevers have swept the left on the subject of who is organizing them. What matters though is who attends them and what they are communicating by their presence. There are scores of reasons why a particular tea party protester might show up. Three months into the Obama Administration there is no denying that the president has swung the country hard left from the center-right course that George W. Bush had piloted for eight years. From 1980 until first quarter, 2009, the country had proceeded in a steady center-right direction that even Bill Clinton had generally accepted. With the exception of his commitment to Afghanistan, President Obama has turned the wheel wildly left, and the sudden sharp shift has left millions shaken and confused. The most obvious sign of the radical change is the president's budget and its massive deficits stretching out as far as the eye can see. The "stimulus" bill that wasn't could be understood as a one-time spending frenzy designed along long ago-discredited-but-still-worshipped economic theories of the left, but the budget was different. It commits the country to a doubling of the national debt in five years, and a tripling of it in ten years.
COMMON CENTS bring you some of the best links to learn where your local Tea Party is going to be:

Michelle Malkin: The movement grows!

Gateway Pundit: Are the Tea Party participants "Extremists"?

Redistributing Knowledge: Location of the WA State Tea Parties

Tea Party Day: Official Homepage

Home of Rick Santelli: Official Chicago Tea Party site

DC: Facebook page for the DC Tea Party

FOX NEWS: Is covering all the Tea Parties

Tea Party map courtesy of Freedom Works


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

With luck, this is just the BEGINNING of a trending. . .


Right Truth said...

I'll give your post a mention, thanks for all you are doing. I'm also hoping that something big will come of these TEA parties. I'm hearing that there are quite a few Democrats who may be joining in. This is very good news.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

berlet98 said...

Wascally Repubs, Cuckoo Conservatives, and Tea Parties

We can all rest just a tad easier tonight. Our DHS is on the alert!

Forget about bin Laden and radical Islamic terrorists. Disregard those millions of illegal aliens on our soil. Ignore Kim Jong-Il’s fireworks displays. Don’t worry about Muslim pirates on the high seas. Don’t sweat the Obamanians now in process of billing our grandkids for trillions of dollars for our profligate national debt. Homeland Security Chieftess, Janet Napolitano and her minions at the Department of Homeland Security advise that the chief threat to that security is none of the above. Rather, it’s those wascally Wepublicans and cuckoo conservatives we have to watch out for!

They say timing is everything in comic delivery but the timing of Chieftess Janet’s warning hit the wires the day before the First Annual National Tea Party to protest our Democratic government’s ongoing efforts to bankrupt the nation is anything but comical. It’s more akin to a threat against law-abiding American patriots by our duly elected and appointed government.

That veiled threat actually came in an April 7th letter issued by the DHS to federal, state and local police thoughout the country to be on the alert for radical “right-wing extremists,” including [maniacal] vets returning from war after valiantly serving America, the jobless driven to desparation [by George W. Bush], the homeless [thown out of their McMansions by that same Bush], and [anti-Semitic Jewish] investors furious over being scammed by Bernie Madoff.

The bracketed words are conclusions drawn from but not specifically mentioned in a Reuters article, “Right-Wing Extremism Fueled by Recession, U.S Says:” http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE53D5SH20090414?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&rpc=22&sp=true.

Also not specifically cited in the DHS letter are tea drinkers but then again we know we always have to keep a trained security eye on that suspicious, America-hating ilk! Implicit in the timing is that anyone planning to attend one of those tea party rallies should be aware that Obama’s brownshirts are onto them and will no doubt be taking names, snapping pictures, and taping videos of the attendees and their incipient insurrection.

Back in the fifties, . . .

Read the rest at http://genelalor.com/)

Anonymous said...

Good fun.

Brooke said...

Texas came out and drew the line in the sand...

I hope this IS just the very beginning.

Gayle said...

I feel positive that yesterday's tea parties was just the beginning. People are angry, and it's about time. The only thing that surprised me is that it took them so long to get fired up. There's a lot more to come! :)