Saturday, June 27, 2009

Learn something:

The best editorial page in print is Investor's Business Daily. IBD publishes easy to read, common sense, hard-hitting editorials that are nothing short of outstanding. Today's are superlative:

Administration suppresses a report that is unfavorable to their views

Runaway Spending = Runaway Debt:
The consequences of our spending orgy are not pretty

Government Run Health Care:
Recent polls shed some light on what that means

The debt the founders wouldn't believe:
Get ready to drown in a sea of debt - $133,000 for each American

The Health Insurance Uninsured Hype:
The reality of how many lack insurance will surprise you

America the Shameful?
What exactly do we have to apologize for?

The White House's War on Science:
Why is the White House afraid of scientific truths?

1 comment:

Jesse said...

I added your blog to my Blogroll of Win :)