Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Health Care debacle:

Today Democrats in Congress rolled out the first draft of their long awaited Health Care "reform" package. This package will take over 16% or one-sixth of the US economy and will bring about rationing, long waits and government intrusion into our basic health care decisions. Everywhere a single payer insurance system has been tried it has been an abject failure. Consider:

Let's raise taxes on the uninsured!

Lets ram it through without Republican support

We love England's system:
9-month wait for Arthritis treatment!

Washington Post:
The rich's "Deep Pocket Mirage"

James Pethokoukis:
9 Reasons why Dem's Health Care plan is disastrous

Hot Air:
"Shouldn't the surtax be really called the "Doctor Tax"?

  • * The United States leads the world in treating breast and prostate cancers.
  • * Women with breast cancer have a 14% higher survival rate in the United States than in Europe.
  • * Men with prostate cancer have a 28% higher survival rate in the USA than in Europe
  • * Men in the United States have a 66% five-year survival for sixteen types of cancer, but in Europe it is only 47% five-year survival.
  • * American women have a 63% chance of living five years after a cancer diagnoses, compared to 56% for European women.
  • * There is a 90% survival rate in the USA for five cancers – breast, prostate, thyroid, testicular and melanoma. In Europe, only ONE, testicular cancer, has a 90% survival rate.
Simple as 1-2-3. Chart of the Health Care Plan unveiled today:

Video - Health Rations and You (a must view)!

1 comment:

Harrison said...

This will destroy the country.