Thursday, September 17, 2009

The best editorial page you will find...

is Investor's Business Daily's editorial page. IBD prints an outstanding, easy to read, common sense editorial page that expose free market principals. IBD should be required readings in this great country.

Abject surrender in the Dead of Night:
With Iran on the verge of a deliverable nuke, the administration tells our allies in the dead of night that we will scuttle missile defense plans in Eastern Europe to please the Russians. Read it here.

Perpetuating Poverty:
President Clinton said reform legislation would "end welfare as we know it." That was in 1996. The current administration appears determined to take welfare to heights we've never known. Read it here.

600,000 Jobs Lost:
As if Big Labor hasn't been repaid enough for its help in electing Democrats, a new report shows that protectionism — the unions' signature issue — costs 585,000 of the rest of us our jobs. Read about it here.

Separating "He Lies" from the "Elides"
You lie? No. Barack Obama doesn't lie. He's too subtle for that. He . . . well, you judge. Herewith three examples within a single speech — the now-famous Obama-Wilson "you lie" address to Congress on health care — of Obama's relationship with truth: Read about it here.

Global "Warming"
A Treasury Department analysis says a cap-and-trade law could cost American families more than $1,700 a year. No wonder administrators tried to keep the study secret. Read about it here.

Joe Wilson's War:
The reaction to the congressman's outburst shows what happens when you judge this president by the content of his character. In a post-racial presidency, charges of racism are the new last refuge of scoundrels. Read about it here.


Harrison said...

I read IDB's editorials every day on my My Yahoo page. They are a must read.

Brooke said...

IDB's podcasts kick butt, too.