Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kindergarten Indoctrination

Amazing video from Hot Air. The school is the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington Township, NJ. Some of the lyrics these poor kids are made to sing are:
“Mm, mm, mm, Barack Hussein Obama.
He said we all must take a stand,
to make sure everyone gets a chance.
Mm, mm, mm, Barack Hussein Obama.
Mm, mm, mm, Barack Hussein Obama…”
Wait, it gets even better worse:
They sing a NEW VERSION of the Battle Hymn of the Republic“:
“Hooray Mr. President, we’re very proud of you, we say for all America, the great red, white & blue. Hooray, Mr. President, we honor you today…”

Michelle Malkin is all over the story to include the school's response.


christian soldier said...

Home School...

St. Blogustine said...

Hi. I didn't see an email address here so I came to your comments page.

You came to my blog and asked for a link exchange. I included yours. Do you have one for me?

Although I have a Blogger blog too, when I tried to post it under Conservative Blogs I was told there was no RSS feed detectable. So I included yours under Great Writers, etc...

Grizzly Mama said...

This is the reason I objected to our school showing the video and using the lesson plans for BHO's speech to kids. Some of the lesson plans were bad enough by themselves, but then you mix in teachers with extremely bad judgment and this is what you get.

Most parents have no idea what is happening with their kids in school.

Harrison said...

This type of thing doesn't surprise me, sadly. These things are going on constantly regarding healthcare, "global warming" and other issues dear to the hearts of Liberals.

Nancy M. said...

Wow! That's just a little scary! This along with so many other crazy things makes me glad I homeschool!

You asked about a link exchange. Do you have a button, or should I just make a link?