Sunday, September 20, 2009

VA Governor's Race - Creigh Deeds confuses himself on taxes

Virginia has a high profile Governor's Race this year. The contest pits GOP Attorney General Bob McDonnell vs State Senator Creigh Deeds. The two debated last week in Tyson's Corner and after the debate Deeds was unable to answer a simple question on if he pledge not to raise questions. Watch the whole thing, he is clueless!


Left Coast Rebel said...

Hey CC - I'm following and will give you a nice 'shout-out' on my next saturday roundup. Keep up the great work here!

Grizzly Mama said...

OMG! And what's with that 'young lady' comment?

He's not going to raise taxes - he's just going to raise 'funds'. LOL.

What an ASS!