Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Night Videos:

State Run Media:
CNN speechless that Pres Obama's hometown Chicago didn't get Olympics

What do you think?
Anti Pres Obama billboard is getting plenty of attention:

The Agony of Defeat:
President Obama explaining his Olympic sized failure:

Democratic Senator Tom Carper (Deleware):
Of course I'm NOT going to read the Health Care Bill:

1 comment:

RedHorse said...

What is funny about Sen Carper's comparison to credit card disclosures is the fact that Sen Carper signed the "Credit Card
Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009", which requires among other things, advanced notice to consumers of any significant changes to their cardholder plan (45 days). You would think Sen Carper would therefore support a 45 day notice before voting on Health Care Reform.