Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our sister site - The Internet Radio Network:

Many of COMMON CENTS readers may be unaware but we have a sister site - The Internet Radio Network.  At the IRN you can listen to over 70 of your favorite radio shows via Free Streaming Audio.  Our talk show hosts include Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Dr Laura, Dave Ramsey, Michael Savage and many more.

Studies show that the Talk Radio Audience has successful upscale demographics and usually:

  • have an income over $75,000 (vs. median US income of $48,200)           
  • have graduated college          
  • own their residence     
  • are likely to use the Internet     
  • are 25-65 years old (with the numbers of women listeners steadily increasing)
Listed to The Internet Radio Network here.

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