Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Required Readings:

The "Doctor of Democracy"
Rush Limbaugh seriously considering buying the St Louis Rams

Just Golden:
Price of Gold hits an All-Time High

Gateway Pundit:
Conservative David Horowitz banned from St. Louis University

Hot Air Video (The light bulb goes off)
The incandescent light bulb vs. The Nanny State

Washington Post's - Richard Cohen:
Does President Obama have the backbone to win in Afghanistan?

Some Good News!
U.S. to see lower heating costs this winter - $105 less than last year

Hat Tip:
No Runny Eggs.com

Fox News Domination:
More viewers watch Fox News at 3AM than CNN at 8PM!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Obama doesn't even have the spine to speak to the General he appointed.

I think Rush should GO FOR IT! The Rams might become my new favorite team. I guarantee they'll start winning games!