Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday Night Live does it again.

Saturday Night live had another hilarious video making fun of President Obama winning the $70 million Powerball Lottery - on the first ticket he ever bought. Looks like the fact checkers at CNN will be busy again!  Too funny - keep it up SNL.
Hat Tip Hot Air Pundit.


dprosenthal said...

Every other president has been 'fair game' for the comedians and opposition - why should Obama get a free pass? That would be discriminatory!! The media may still treat him like a god but the rest of us think he should treated like every other public figure - subject to both praise and ridicule. It's time this country really became color blind.

Misfit410 said...

I wrote Obama in for the Heisman Trophy.

in fact I put his name in as
MMM MMM MMM Barack Hussein Obama