Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10 Minute Ticker:

Our Smartest President Ever!
Video: Lifetime White Sox Fan can't name a single player

Global Warming Alert:
Arctic Sea Ice Melting Season is LATEST start on record

Real American Heroes:
Black Conservative take heat for being active in Tea Party

A Record for March:
RNC raises $11.4 Million in March

Toyota Quality Update:
Toyota warned Europe of accelerator problem before telling US

USA Today:
Change you computer font - SAVE $20 a year!


Misfit410 said...

I'm not going to hold the baseball thing against him totally, I could not name a single player either, but because I don't give a rats bum about sports.. but it does fall on his shoulder in pretending that he does, I am at least honest with people that I don't know and don't care.

jd said...

in sports circles, this is a sin of biblical proportions.

its like saying you are a family man when your brother lives in poverty in africa, or something.