Friday, April 9, 2010

The Best Editorial Page you will Find...

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD provides daily common sense, easy to read editorials that complety destroy the Liberal or Left-Wing Mindset.  IBD should be required reading by the US Congress and anyone who wants to know how the world works.

Taxes: VAT will spell anything but relief.
Asked why he robbed banks, thief Willie Sutton famously replied: "That's where the money is." The same logic is now being used by the White House as it floats the idea of a broad new tax on all consumption.  Read the rest here.

Arms Deal:  Prague Surrender:
President Obama signs away U.S. nuclear security and gives the Russians a veto over whether we can defend ourselves. Our nuclear umbrella is in tatters as another piece of paper proclaims peace in our time.  Read the rest here.

Health Care:  
When discussing ObamaCare's costs, it's useful to note how government programs cost far more than they are projected to. State versions of our new entitlement also remind us that estimates mean nothing.  Read the rest here.

Illegal Immigration:
An Arizona rancher is murdered while patrolling his ranch. A gaping hole in the border fence and footsteps back to Mexico tell the tale. When will we put the National Guard back on the border?  Read the rest here.

Dependency:  I want my free M.D.
The Democrats' reform bill had hardly become law before doctors and insurers began getting calls asking about free health care. The growing sense of entitlement is disheartening, to say the least. Read the rest here.

Nuclear Power:  Clean and Safe
Twenty-five killed and four missing in West Virginia. Six dead, dozens missing in China. How many more must perish in coal mines before the green lobby ends its opposition to a safer energy source? Read the rest here.

Again make Investor's Business Daily Editorial page one of your daily reads!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

The VAT tax will be the final dagger through this country's economy.