Thursday, April 1, 2010

Who wants higher gas prices? They do!

Voting Female has a superlative blog article on the cause and effect of both Bush and Obama administrations on the price of gasoline.  As you can see the Bush Administration put in place policies to reduce the price of gasoline, and they had the desired effect.  To be sure Bush wanted to do more but Democrats and Liberal Judges blocked even more exploration of oil and gas such as in ANWR.

The Obama Administration has put in place policies designed to RAISE the price of gasoline.  And of course that is exactly what happened.  We are the only country on the face of the planet that are putting energy sources off limits - and the consequence of that is HIGHER energy prices.  When President Obama took office the National Average for a gallon of Unleaded was $1.80 and the price of a barrel of oil was $34.  What are they today America?
Read the entire article here.


Brooke said...

Why not just double the tax, too?


There is no excuse for America to be under the thumb of other countries, dependent on them for energy.

Ticker said...

It's just another move to fool the uneducated, uninformed fools into falling for Crap and Tax. Bend over cause it on the way and the oil from drill baby drill won't be available to easy the pain of the shaft the American People are going to get.