Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Global Warming Updates:

We all know that Global Warming is the greatest threat facing the planet.  Everyone knows that the science concerning Global Warming is settled and there is no need for further debate.  Thus, Common Cents brings you our latest batch of Global Warming Alerts.  Beware, these are not for the faint of heart!

May snowstorm dumps nearly 3 feet of snow in Wyoming

Humanitarian Disaster.  Mongolia facing worst winter in 50 years

This Mini Ice Age could last another 20 - 30 years

Cold Weather in Iowa could force replanting of Corn & Beans

May Snowstorm cuts power to thousands in Michigan

Florida Utility Company - higher profits on cold weather

May Cold Weather may damage US Wheat Crop

May snowstorm blankets Northern WI with 6 inches of snow


Quite Rightly said...

Gosh, if we didn't have so much global warming, we wouldn't have had six inches of snow in parts of eastern New York State. Heh.

LomaAlta said...

Big and heavy Gore is still whining about anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Like racism, AGW is central to the radical left's power grabs.

k6whp said...

..the other day I remarked to a neighbor here in Southern California about what a mild Winter we're having. The joke of course -- I have a Japanese wife and tend to explain such things -- is that we're in the middle of May as I write this.

But the theory still works: these clowns with their manipulating, mauling, and misplacing of the underlying data, have foisted off a huge con on the world.

And it endures; they still hold conventions with throngs of mind-numbed converts attending in cities amid blizzards, freezing temps, and anything but temperate conditions. now it's climate change.