Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Election Day:

Today is an election day in several states.  In South Carolina there is a runoff GOP Primary Election for the Governor's Race.  In Utah there are two runoff elections - in the Democratic side for the House of Representative and in the GOP side there is a primary election for the US Senate Seat.  There are also contested primaries in Mississippi and North Carolina.

And in California there is a hotly contested State Senate Seat election that is being held today.

South Carolina Election Results:
South Carolina Secretary of State Elections Division:

California Election Results:
California Secretary of State Elections Division:

Utah Election Results:
Utah Secretary of State Elections Division:

Mississippi Election Results:
Mississippi Secretary of State Elections Division:

North Carolina Election Results:
North Carolina Secretary of State Elections Division:


Brooke said...

Ah, elections. Let's hope everything turns out well.

Andrew Karl said...

Excellent. Where do you find this info?