Tuesday, June 1, 2010

VIDEO - The real story behind the Israeli Boarding of Relief Ship and Deaths of the Flotilla Activists:

The world is roundly condemning Israel for opening fire upon a supposedly humanitarian supply ships that were violating the Israeli blockade of Gaza.  But the real story is that Israeli commandos boarded the ship, armed only with paintball guns, and were savagely beaten by the militants on board.  This video show the beatings as they occured:

And what did the Israeli Soldiers find on the "humanitarian" ship?  Weapons of course:

And these Israeli Soldiers give a fascinating account of what happened:


christian soldier said...

the IDF were blind-sided---
my take-no terrorist on that boat should be alive today--
As an aside - the Ft.Hood terrorist-Hasan-should not be alive today!!!-

Godefroi said...

I hate to quibble with someone I respect, but the IDF guys weren't armed "ONLY" with paint ball guns, since I know of at least one who reported having his sidearm taken from him by the mob.

And if this comes thru twice, I apologize...something weird going on with Blogger

Brooke said...

Since when do humanitarian missions mean arms smuggling? Since when do humanitarian missions need to have the AP photoshop pictures so there's no blood and knife being held by the 'humanitarian'?

The situation in Darfur is far more dismal than Gaza. (which isn't, really.) How come we're not seeing any aid flotillas there?

You total asshat moron.