Sunday, August 29, 2010

The best editorial page you will find...

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD published outstanding, easy-to-read editorials that extol the virtues of free markets and capitalism.  Please go here daily...

Junk Science  Deere & Co., a major player in the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, drops out, saying the group's legislative strategy is no longer a foundation for moving forward. Is cap-and-trade dead?

Health Insurance:  Forty percent of all individual policyholders in California will soon be stuck with higher premiums. They could shop around for a better deal, but government has severely limited their options. 

How brilliant can President Obama be?  Every person, newscaster and commentator always prefaces any, even the mildest criticism, of President Obama's policies with some statement about how dazzlingly brilliant the man is. Liberals, conservatives, independents — it never changes. Why is this? And most important of all, is it true?

Politics:  If there's one agency that's been made useless by its leaders, it's Immigration and Customs Enforcement. If, under a new policy, being here illegally is no longer reason enough for deportation, why does it still exist?  

Finance:  Warnings about America's impending financial car wreck are being sounded, loud and clear. The only question is whether those driving the car will slam on the brakes before it's too late.

Regulation:  The U.S. Supreme Court says Americans have an individual right to keep and bear arms. The EPA says the bullets for those guns may be banned as an environmental hazard.

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