Monday, August 9, 2010

Video: Hidden Camera on the Arizona Border. Drugs, Guns and Illegal Aliens

Amazing video from hidden cameras showing the true cost of Illegal Aliens.  From shootings, murders and more this video documents the costs of illegal aliens on Arizona.  The video documents at least 850 illegals crossing into the United States.


John Carey said...

Wow...just mind boggling how our government can stand by and allow this.

Mona said...

While SB1070 may have its flaws, I just don't understand how there is public outrage against enforcing such a law. With footage like this how can Politicians including the President stand against AZ? It is "mind boggling" indeed!

christian soldier said...

We've been battling this for 20 + years here in CA- we even voted for Prop. 187 --it was overturned by a judge--so- obviously we are battling more than just the illegals coming over...

LomaAlta said...

If their pictures can be taken, they could be arrested. Proof of our non-enforcement, open borders policy.