Friday, August 13, 2010

VIDEO: Meet the GOP House Candidates:

As we often document on Common Cents the Democratic Party has been a disaster for this country.  They have managed to take an unemployment rate that was 4.4% when they were elected to run Congress four years ago to more than 9.5%.  They have more than quadrupled the budget deficit.  (It was -$176 Billion in 2006).  Two out of the last the years the Democrats running Congress have not EVEN PASSED A BUDGET.  These fools would have to improve to get to incompetent.  They are beneath a failure.  They need to be replaced and fired.

With that said here are some videos by rising stars in the Republican Party.  Please view the videos and pass them on.

Alan West of Florida gets it!
"If it's about the lives of my men and their safety, I'd go through Hell with a gasoline can . . . There is not a person in this room I would not sacrifice my life for." -Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Allen B. West

Keith Fimian (R-VA) is running the the 9th Congressional District of Virginia

Renee Ellmers is running for Congress against Liberal Bob Ethridge in North Carolina

Tim Scott is running for Congress in South Carlina's 1st Congressional District

No one has a bigger target on her back than Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann

The for VPs son Ben Quayle is running for Congress in Arizona's 3rd Congressional District

The Rev Michel Faulkner is running against Charlie Rangel in the November election

1 comment:

christian soldier said...

Thank you for THE list ---it will be needed again-come Nov....