Friday, October 8, 2010

Hands down the Best Editorial Page you will read

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD prints easy-to-read common sense editorials that tout time tested market driven solutions to the World's problems.

Food Stamp NationA record 42 million on food stamps is bad enough. But those now running Washington want dependence on government extended indefinitely.

Congress and their lack of seriousness:  A president's first midterm election is inevitably a referendum on his two years in office. The bad news for Democrats is that President Obama's "re-elect" number is 38% — precisely Bill Clinton's in October 1994, the eve of the wave election that gave Republicans control of the House for the first time in 40 years.

An Ally no More?  Pakistan has closed its border to NATO traffic and refuses to reopen it, knowing full well that this endangers American lives. It may be time to reassess our ties with this "ally."

Peace is "hell"  The Afghan government we've been shedding our blood defending is secretly holding high-level "peace" talks with the Taliban — with White House support. Meet President Obama's "tough diplomacy."

As the Fed prints money - Gold, Oil Soar  You've no doubt noticed gold shooting skyward in recent months, as doubts over global growth, deficits and currencies grow. Now, oil is also rising — a warning signal that policymakers would be wise to heed.

Green Greed:  A discredited ideology by any other name would stink just as much. Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., Congress' only admitted socialist, explains how spending is a drug that never satiates

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