Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Memories.... State Run Media ignored story of Obama accepting foreign money...

Recently President Obama has been blasting his opponents on supposibly accepting foreign money.  There have been numerous campaign commercials hitting his enemies for this act.  There is no evidence of this and even CBS's Bob Schieffer said on Sunday "Is this the best you have??"

Remember, this is the guy who ran on "Campaign Finance Reform" and who claimed to be a big proponent on Campaign Finance Reform.  The irony and hyprocriacy is that in 2008 President Obama accepted millions of dollars of funny money from overseas, including terrorists.  There were no checks and balances on the incoming money, and we will never know how much illegal money was accepted by Team Obama.  This story was largely ignored by the State Run Media who focused on the large crowds Obama was drawing and messages of "Hope and Change".  We remember tho - and bring you some of the stories your "Mainstream Media" ignored:
I have been researching, documenting and studying thousands upon thousands of Obama's campaign donations for the past month. Egregious abuse was immediately evident and I published the results of my ongoing investigation. Each subsequent post built a more damning case against Obama's illegal contribution activity.

The media took little notice of what I was substantiating. I went so far as to upload the documents so that anyone could do their own research.  I asked readers to download the documents and a number of folks pitched in.

Despite dropping the groundbreaking bombshell  story of "Palestinian" brothers from the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza who donated $33,000 to Obama's campaign, no big media picked up the story. Jihadis donating to Obama from Gaza? Could there be a bigger story?  Foreign donations are illegal, but this story was all  that and so much more. The "Palestinian" brothers were proud and vocal of their "love" for Obama. Their vocal support on behalf of "Palestinians"  spoke volumes to Obama's campaign.

And yet still no media.

But Obama pricked up his ears. He smelled trouble and while no media asked, he answered anyway. Sen. Obama's campaign immediately scrambled and contended they had returned the  $33,500 in illegal contributions from Palestinians in Hamas-controlled Gaza, despite the fact that records do not show that it was returned and the brothers said they have not received any money. Having gone through all of Obama's refunds redesignations etc, no refund was made to Osama, Hossam, or Edwan Monir in the Rafah refugee camp. And still no media. 

One of the Gazan brothers, Monir Edwan (identified here),  claimed he bought "Obama for President" T-shirts off Obama's website  and then sold the T-shirts in Gaza for a profit. All purchases on the Barack Obama website are considered contributions.

The Palestinians allegedly claimed "they were American citizens", so said Obama's people. They listed their address -- zip code 972 (ironically the area code for Israel) and they input "GA"the state abbreviation for Georgia (screen shot here) They actually lived in a Hamas controlled refugee camp.  So if Obama's people thought it was "Georgia" why did they ship the tee shirts to the correct address in Gaza?  Shipping overseas to a Gaza refugee camp is vastly different than the state next door.

Still no media.  

"Some young men even bought the T-shirts for 60 shekel ($17.29), which is a lot to spend in Gaza on a T-shirt, but that is how much Gazans like Obama," Edwan claimed in a follow up article in the conservative websiet WorldNetDaily.  And Hamas has publicly endorsed Obama.

And still no media.

Obama's campaign said the  Palestinian brothers in the Middle East made $33,000 in illegal donations to the campaign via the internet.

The donations came in between Sept. 20 and Dec. 6 and virtually all of the money, about $33,500, was returned by December 6. But the refunds weren't reported to the Federal Election Commission due to a technical error, campaign officials said.

If McCain had been involved with something so dark and nefarious, taking money from Islamic jihad, his candidacy would never withstand the media blowback.

But it was the son of hope, the agent of change, the one we have been waiting for , so the media yawned.

The jihad donations were hardly the only bloody red flags.  The first in my series of posts ran July 19th. The documents were so unwieldy, readers like John, Doc, and Cathy (who discovered Rafah) were working furiously to cross check our findings at the FEC site and then mine the data.

Obama's overseas (foreign) contributors are making multiple small donations, ostensibly in their own names, over a period of a few days, some under maximum donation allowances, but others are aggregating in excess of the maximums when all added up.   The countries and major cities from which contributions have been received France, Virgin Islands, Planegg, Vienna, Hague, Madrid, London, AE, IR, Geneva,Tokyo, Bangkok, Turin, Paris, Munich, Madrid, Roma, Zurich, Netherlands, Moscow, Ireland, Milan, Singapore, Bejing, Switzerland, Toronto, Vancouver, La Creche, Pak Chong, Dublin, Panama, Krabi, Berlin, Geneva, Buenos Aires, Prague, Nagoya, Budapest, Barcelona, Sweden, Taipei, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Zurich, Ragusa, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Uganda, Mumbia, Nagoya, Tunis, Zacatecas, St, Croix, Mississauga, Laval, Nadi, Behchoko, Ragusa, DUBIA, Lima, Copenhagen, Quaama, Jeddah, Kabul, Cairo, Nassau(not the county on Long Island,lol), Luxembourg (Auchi's stomping grounds), etc,etc,etc,  
And more...
Only American citizens or green card holders are legally permitted to give campaigns money, a longtime ban intended to protect U.S. elections from foreign meddling and influence. The Federal Election Commission instructs that candidates ask to see an overseas donor’s current U.S. passport, considered the strongest safeguard against illegal foreign money. Screening donors can be a daunting task in a presidential race, especially one with record sums and millions of dollars coming in over the Internet.
Obama has raised at least $2 million abroad, far more than McCain’s total of at least $229,000, according to the AP’s review of campaign finance records. The amount reported flowing in from outside the U.S. is a small percentage of the roughly $390 million raised so far by Obama and the $167 million by McCain. But few contributors contacted by the AP said the campaigns asked to see their passports.
“I donated to the Obama campaign because I was so excited and thrilled to hear him speak,” said Sanderson, a property manager in Calgary. “I like what he says and I like what he represents, and it’s a world stage today for any political leader.”
Sanderson said he donated money using Obama’s Web site and doesn’t remember checking a box certifying he was a U.S. citizen, instead noting next to his address that he wasn’t. After the AP contacted Sanderson by phone, he asked the campaign for a refund: “It was an error of me to give the donation, and it was an error that it was accepted,” he said.
A spokesman for Obama, Ben LaBolt, said campaign workers “consistently review our procedures to make sure that we are taking every reasonable step to ensure that the contributions we receive are appropriate and follow FEC guidelines, and we will do so again in light of this new information.”
McCain’s campaign said it was impractical to ask Internet contributors for copies of their passports. “We’re always looking for ways to best comply with all provisions of campaign finance regulations, and obviously take swift action anytime flags are raised regarding potentially problematic campaign contributions,” spokesman Brian Rogers said.
The AP analyzed 1.27 million campaign contributions to Obama and McCain to identify 6,948 contributions from people who appeared to live outside the United States and who were not obviously in the U.S. military. The AP contacted 123 donors in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain and Switzerland and interviewed them about their citizenship and donations.
Obama has far more overseas donors than McCain, and that was reflected in the number of interviews: the AP was able to reach 116 Obama supporters, six McCain backers and one donor who gave to both.
Australian Richard Watters gave Obama’s campaign $1,000 over the Internet, entering a fake U.S. passport number — a random jumble of numbers and letters — so the site would take his money. He said he also checked a box stating that he was an American living overseas, “because I could see it wasn’t going anywhere if I didn’t do that.”
Watters was surprised when a reporter told him it was illegal for foreigners to donate to U.S. presidential campaigns, but he said he was still glad he gave.
“I wouldn’t give up, because I believe in the man — I really do,” said Watters, 76, of Sydney, a stock market trader. “Maybe I just feel he can put a smile back on the face of the world.”
Swiss citizen Gilles Massamba gave Obama at least $436 and received campaign souvenirs. He said the campaign didn’t ask whether he was a U.S. citizen.
Just three donors to Obama and two for McCain told the AP the campaigns asked to see their passports. One Obama donor, in France, was asked to show her U.S. driver’s license at a fundraising event. Others said if they did anything, they checked a box on the campaigns’ Web sites affirming they were U.S. citizens or were asked to provide their passport numbers, or both.
 Stay tuned to Common Cents for more stories the State Run Media refuses to run.


christian soldier said...

The Rs are going to have to stop being nice--to the Ds--

LibertyAtStake said...

@christian soldier: We need more Rs with the couarage of their convictions to wrestle the D's to the ground and make them tap.

"Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"