Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rush Limbaugh launches "Reverse Operation Chaos"

Taking a cue from his hugely successful Operation Chaos America's most popular radio host launched "Operation Reverse Chaos" or "Reverse Operation Chaos".  This operation is designed to help Hillary Clinton get the  Democratic Nomination in 2012 by having the Democrats get absolutely wiped out in 2010.  The theory being, the worse the Democrats lose the worse it is for President Obama because this is a referendum on his policies.  The worse he is perceived as done the better chance Hilary will run in 2012.

In a nutshell Operation Reverse Chaos is instructing Democrats to stay home in 2010.  In Rush's own words:

"Ladies and Gentlemen - it is time for election strategy"
Operation Reverse Chaos or Reverse Operation Chaos, whichever you wish to call it, is once again established so as to allow Hillary Clinton what is rightfully hers:  an opportunity to win the White House.  It was hers.  She had been anointed, and then Obama comes along and for whatever reason they pulled the rug out from under her.  The Clintons still want the White House, bad.  You can tell how bad by how unenthusiastic Bill Clinton is running around the country campaigning for Democrats, for Obama.  Because Clinton and Hillary know that their best chance for her to get the nomination in 2012 is for the Democrats to have a lackluster performance next Tuesday.  The worse the defeat is, the worse it is for Obama.  As Obama said, and he's agreeing with me, he's not on the ballot but his agenda is.  Damn straight it is.  That's exactly what's being voted on Tuesday: Obama's agenda.  Therefore, the greater the Republican victory is, the greater the opportunity for Hillary to challenge Obama for the nomination in 2012.  They don't want to wait 'til 2016.  The odds of the White House being held by Democrats after 2016 is practically nil after what Obama is going to finish doing destroying the country in four more years if that happens.

So the objective here of Reverse Operation Chaos, we're not aiming this at Republican voters.  We're aiming Reverse Operation Chaos at Democrats, especially those of you who are for Hillary and believe she got the shaft, politically, who believe that she was mistreated, who believe that dirty campaigning took away from her what was rightfully hers and gave it to another.  It's just typical of what happens to women in this country.  An unqualified guy, young, good-looking, I mean there were even people -- I don't know if you remember this, I'll tell you how unfair it was for Hillary -- there were people in the primary actually saying, "Did we really want to sit here and watch Hillary Clinton age in office?"  There were people saying that.  There were all kinds of things like this being said.  It was mostly unfair, it was terribly insulting that a guy with no experience but everybody liked his looks and the way he talked came in once again, the glass ceiling shattered with Mrs. Clinton's head banging right into it but never through it, and so now it's time to make good, time to get even.

You Democrats who know that your party is being destroyed by Barack Obama, you Democrats who know that your chances of ever holding power in Congress again are vanishing before your very eyes because of Obama, you Democrats, you may have problems with this country, but you don't want to see it destroyed.  If you have any desire that Mrs. Clinton someday take the Democrat Party back to where it was, remember those glory days of the nineties, the economic boom, we'd all like to return to those, wouldn't we?  Wink, wink.  The best thing that Democrats can do to make that happen is to not vote Tuesday.  Stay home, put your feet up on the table, watch a soap opera or two, watch Oprah, do whatever, listen to this program, but do not vote, do not show.  The bigger the Democrat defeat on Tuesday, the greater the likelihood Mrs. Clinton is the Democrat nominee in 2012.  It's just that simple.  Reverse Operation Chaos, once again in fairness, look at who it is looking out for the woman.  Look who it is hoping that a woman has a fair shot at things, me, El Rushbo and the Excellence in Broadcasting Network.  It really isn't complicated. 

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