Tuesday, November 16, 2010

An American Hero: Staff Sergeant Salvatore A. Giunta:

Today President Obama bestowed our highest military award, The Congressional Medal of Honor, on SSG Salvatore A. Giunta in the East Room of the White House:

From Redstate:
I’ve been afraid for some time now that none of us would ever again witness the Medal of Honor being awarded to a soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine who survived the actions which earned him or her our nation’s highest military honor. This is not, of course, due to a dearth of courage, valor, or heroism in those who wear our country’s uniform today. Posthumous recipients of the Medal like Ross McGinnis, Michael Mansour, Michael Murphy, Paul Smith, Jason Dunham, Randy Shughart, Gary Gordon, and their fellows were more than deserving of this honor, as, in my opinion, were others who did not receive the Medal of Honor for actions which likely should have earned it. This could include such heroes as Jason Cunningham, Eric Moser, and Chris Corriveau.
Not since Commander William McGonagle of the USS Liberty received the Medal of Honor forty years ago has this honor been awarded in any other manner than posthumously…until now. Please join me in saluting Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, Medal of Honor recipient, American soldier, and true hero.