Saturday, January 8, 2011

US Representative Gabrielle Giffords shot in Arizona: (w/ updates & video)

Congresswoman Shot!
Rep Gabrielle Giffords shot in head at event in AZ

Illegal Immigration:
Congresswoman known for cracking down on Illegal Immigration

The blame game and let the prayers begin

Conflicting reports on her condition

Michelle Malkin:
Horror - AZ Representative shot (updating constantly)

Fox News:
AZ Representative shot in AZ

Google News - constant updates on the situation:

Live Updates:
Fox News streaming updates

Update on shooter Jarod Loughner:
Liked watching US Flags burn - favorite books "Communist Manifesto, Mein Kempf"

Press Conference:
Hospital Press Conference on Arizona Shooting:


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of this tragedy but I will bet that the killer is a LEFTY LUNATIC.

Like every other wingnut killer, the gunman is almost certainly leftist, progressive, marxist, socialist, communist, etc. Rabid foaming at the mouth types fed all day long on lies by Media Matters and the Huff Po, angry at the world and ready to kill.

christian soldier said...

immediate blame-gamers:
Rep-linda lopez-blamed the Tea Party
NYT's writer blamed the GOP-
BEFORE the truth was out that the shooter is a left-wing-communist lover --
So glad we have the blogs...