Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The best editorial page you will find...

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that tout the benefits of Free Market Capitalism.  Again, Common Cents recommends IBD Editorials as the best editorial page out there!

Corruption:  The ObamaCare waivers granted to businesses and organizations now number more than a thousand. This is a desperate tactic by the administration — as well as a tacit admission that the law is deeply flawed.

Energy Policy:  As the White House goes to court to defend its self-imposed drilling moratorium, it floats the idea of tapping our strategic petroleum reserve to lower rising prices. How about the oil offshore and in Alaska?

The Real Issue in the Labor Battle:  In Wisconsin, union officials — with support from the Obama White House — continue to orchestrate illegal teacher strikes, lead angry mass protests at the state capitol and picket the residences of legislators to safeguard Big Labor's government-granted monopoly bargaining power over hundreds of thousands of Badger State public employees.

Larry Kudlow:  A Government Shutdown? - So What?  According to news reports, Team Obama and House Republicans are at least $50 billion apart in the budget negotiations for fiscal 2011. I'm willing to bet that Team Obama and Senate Democrats won't agree to even $20 billion in spending cuts.

Global Recession:  Much of the Mideast unrest has to do with the extreme poverty endemic to the region. Sadly, the tendency is still to blame the West and turn to false Islamist prophets for solutions.

ObamaCare's Uncertain Future:  The Democrats' health care overhaul is taking hard hits as the first anniversary of its enactment draws near. Is its demise just as imminent?

The Airhead at EPA:  The head of the Environmental Protection Agency's office of air and radiation admits she doesn't know how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere. How can someone so ignorant have such an important job?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the government shuts down