Saturday, April 2, 2011

The "Feel Good" Story of the Day:

 Tsunami Dog found at sea after being adrift for 3 Weeks!  Amazing but true - rescue workers searching in the ocean spotted something moving while they were conducting an aerial search at sea.  
It appears almost too good to be true, but this little dog has been found alive and well adrift at sea, an astonishing three weeks after the tsunami that devastated Japan. Members of the Japan Coast Guard came across the dog on Friday as they were conducting an aerial search of the area. Against all the odds, the dog appears to have survived by living in a partially submerged house that had been swept out to sea.

Video:  The tsunami's last survivor:


The Conservative Lady said...

Lucky pup. Amazing how they spotted it out there.

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Anonymous said...

the dog or the rescurers who were the happiest I think I know

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