Thursday, June 16, 2011

BREAKING: Rep Anthony Weiner resigns!! (with updates)

Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY) announced today in a Press Conference that he is resigning from Congress effective immediately.  Weiner had been caught sending lewd pictures of himself to women over the internet.

Rep Anthony Weiner Press Conference:

The Other McCain is all over this:
It is being reported that Anthony Weiner has told Nancy Pelosi he will resign from Congress.
UPDATE: New York Times:
Representative Anthony D. Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat after coming under growing pressure from his Democratic colleagues to leave the House in the wake of revelations of his lewd online exchanges with women, said a person told of Mr. Weiner’s plans.
UPDATE II: Today is the day:
NBC News confirms that Weiner called Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Rep. Steve Israel last night to inform them he had decided to resign on Thursday.
UPDATE III:The Fall of the House of Weiner,” quoth Instapundit. From start to finish — beginning with the telltale Tweet late at night on Friday, May 27 until confirmation of Weiner’s resignation — this scandal unfolded in less than 20 days.
For the first 10 days, Weiner lied, lied, lied, and the liberals who believed Weiner were wrong, wrong, wrong, while conservatives were right, right, right. In the past 10 days, since Weiner’s June 6 press conference, liberals have tried to forget that their credulity in believing Weiner’s lies, and the idiotic conspiracy theories they proffered in his defense.
Now is the day when Jeffrey Toobin, Joan Walsh and a lot of other liberals must be called to account.
UPDATE IV: Linked by Fausta Wertz and Don Surber — thanks!
A massive Memeorandum aggregation, including a report from CNN’s Dana Bash, whose questions at an impromptu May 31 press conference with Weiner — Worst Press Conference Evah! — provided key momentum for the scandal narrative.
Nancy Pelosi is about to have a press conference in D.C.
UPDATE V: All Pelosi had to say at the press conference was that she was not going to comment on Weiner. And then . . . let’s talk about the real issues! Blah, blah, blah.
Linked by Bob Belvedere at Camp of the Saints — thanks! Moe Lane is in the Gloat Zone:
Nice job reinforcing Andrew’s reputation among the media as being somebody that the media has to take seriously, by the way.
Ed Morrissey notes a Tweet from Luke Russert: Weiner’s Capitol Hill office is shut down and his staff were seen ”leaving with their belongings.”
UPDATE VI: Publius at Big Government first broke this story in the wee hours of May 28. And now Publius reports Weiner’s resignation. So it comes full circle.
Weiner will hold at 2 p.m. ET press conference today, but I’ll have to miss that. I’ll be on my way to the airport to catch my flight to Minneapolis to attend the Right Online conference, where I’ll be hanging out with Andrew Breitbart, Herman Cain, Michelle Malkin and many more.
You should hit the tip jar. Three weeks of Weiner? “Combat pay.”
UPDATE VI: Genette Cordova has deleted her Twitter account.
UPDATE VII: Da Tech Guy: “Do you remember when we were told this was a non-story and a Breitbart invention?”
 UPDATE VII:  Rep Anthony Weiner at the US House Gym:

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