Saturday, June 11, 2011

SHOCKING REVELATIONS on Palin emails are emerging!!!! (w/ updates)

The State Controlled Media are all over this story like the proverbial "White on Rice" angle.  And thank goodness because the bombshells are non-stop.  A sampling of of some of the scandals in the just released After about a thousand days of delay, the e-mails were distributed in a set of five 55-pound boxes, with sensitive information redacted. The copying fees come to $725.97 for each news outlet.  Some of the Sarah Palin Scandals involve: 
Sarah Palin Email Scandals
Washington Post:
She finds herself busy as Governor!

Washington Post:
She really is Trig's Mother!

UK Telegraph:
Palin's enemies sent series of Death Threats

Palin and her Staff were "EXCITED" she was selected as VP Running Mate

Detroit Times:
Wants to get together w/ Michigan Governor to "kick things around"

Daily Mail:
Wrote touching letter to her son Trig before he was born!!!!

And this is what passes for news from our State Controlled Media which to date has still NEVER asked to see Barack Obama's complete Medical History, any of his school records to include his College Transcripts, his Passport, or even his Thesis.  Can you say "Hypocrisy"?

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