Thursday, July 21, 2011

The best editorial page out there...

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes outstanding, easy-to-read editorials that show the benefits of free markets and capitalism.  A sampling:

First Things:  Plans to solve our out-of-control debt problem keep proliferating. But amid the welter of competing forecasts and estimates, Republicans should remember: your principles matter more than the numbers.

Civility:  Republican Allen West is refusing to apologize to fellow Floridian and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz for calling her "vile, unprofessional and despicable." His only fault was omitting "liar" and "hypocrite."

Election '12:  The Republican presidential front-runner is oddly silent on Washington's momentous budget talks. Mitt Romney can run, but he can't hide his positions forever.

Budget:  President Obama won't put high-speed rail on the block to ease the debt crisis. He insists we need to keep up with China. But its rail has become a $300 billion boondoggle.

Debt:  With "debtageddon" just two weeks away, the Democrats' strategy is clear. Offer no concrete spending cuts, say no to all GOP ideas, and insist on higher taxes as part of any deal. Is that what's meant by "compromise"?

Business:  Las Vegas CEO Steve Wynn drew attention for a boardroom rant denouncing the intolerable business climate fostered by the White House. He's hardly the first. What's happening is emblematic of a bigger problem. 

Mandates:  The Obama administration seems ready to force insurance companies to include birth control coverage in their plans. So much for the president's promise of bending health care costs downward.

National Debt:  No wonder President Obama has so heartily endorsed the "Gang of Six" deficit plan. Just like everything Obama has offered so far, it's short on details and long on tax hikes.

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