Sunday, July 24, 2011

John Stossel: Myths about history

Tom E. Woods & David Root on Fox News' Stossel:

1 comment:

Ronald Dawson said...

There are many myths about history and these myths are still being perpetuated in today's politics. To me, it is more propaganda
than myth.

Propagandists have to use ill-defined easily understood popular words or phrases, such as "Hope and Change," "Shared Sacrifice," "A chicken in every pot," and the like to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the broadest spectrum of people whom it seeks to mislead often with the complicity of an "unbiased" press.

In order for propaganda to work it must not be articulated specifically and the lie must be big, simple, and continually repeated similar to a mantra . . . "victory for American families, for seniors, for workers and small businesses" and eventually the targets will believe it. Blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush is gradually changing to Blame the Tea Party, Blame the Tea Party, Blame the Tea Party. Blame for what.? For Obama and the Democrats failed policies? Perhaps a purposeful, goal oriented, failure. Blame Bush and the Tea Party for America slowly becoming a Socialistic controlled society? A goal that has failed in every attempt that many still find not only achievable but laudable, as well.

As Chidike Okeem wrote in American Thinker : "The Democrats are so gifted in the realm of articulation that they have managed to wipe away an entire history of their inextricable relationship with the Klu Klux Klan. Even though the KKK was created to function exclusively as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party prohibiting blacks from voting for antislavery Republicans, through very clever revisionist history, liberals wrote off that entire phenomenon with this great talking point: "The parties switched places. What was once the Democratic Party is now the Republican Party, and what was once the Republican Party is now the Democratic Party."

That is why you are hearing so many so-called liberal Democrats, especially Obama, refer to Ronald Reagan while they misstate his ideas (take them out of context) and misappropriate the legislative accomplishments of the Republican Congress's balanced budget (during Clinton's Presidency). History is being rewritten and, more importantly, spewed forth by an adoring press in such a manner as to sway the minds of Independents and moderate Democrats.

This type of propaganda maneuvering works so well it is repeatedly used to great success. Who would have thought that the failure of the economy is the Tea Party Republicans holding the Country hostage or corporate jet owners (always play the class warfare card . . . it works every time). In the Democrat's playbook, failed policies are not only to be explained away ("it wasn't my fault") but blamed on any and all opposition. Demagoguery works.

Sorry, many liberal Democrat socialist-leaning leaders (I'm not speaking of those who follow them) are not only lying propagandists, but cowards, as well. Socialism, Fascism, and Communism all have the commonality of using a central authority (Obama knows what is best for the people) terror or fear (seniors are going to lose Medicare and their Social Security checks may not be sent out) and censorship (that damn FOX channel and conservative talk show hosts). If Congress and the Judiciary is subverted you have a central controlling figure; if you have a fearful populace, that control becomes absolute and if you have all the press in your pocket, censorship becomes unnecessary. When Democracy fails, it is replaced by a Dictatorship.

Obama's failed policies are destroying America, the greatest working Democracy (or Republic) ever known, and the liberal Democrat's answer is a simple one: partially blame it on Bush (if that still works) and if that doesn't work, vilify and blame it on the Tea Party. Pol Pot blamed a failed economy on the Educated, Hitler on the Jews, Mao had a Cultural Revolution (fundamental change in Chinese society . . . sound familiar?) to achieve absolute control . . . Is this newly formed myth working?