Saturday, July 16, 2011

OBAMACARE WAIVERS: List is up to 1471!

Congratulations to the latest 39 companies (this week) added to the total list of 1,471 Waivers to Obamacare that have been released so far!  The list of Obamacare Waivers is below:


Cmcgardener said...

So, it's a tax. If its a tax, it's a Federal Tax. If its a Federal Tax, why aren't we ALL paying it?

Anonymous said...

You mean someone actually has to pay for obamacare?
I thought everything from the government was free!

Cheetah06 said...

Cmcgardener-It is evident that you know nothing about taxes, probably because you don't pay any.

Anonymous said...

The really very scary thing about this is what actually happened here. The scotus came to the conclusion that as a "tax" they could't make obamacare stick. So they rewrote it as a "penalty" so that it would stick. So now the scotus bent over sideways to please obama & he couldn't just claim victory? He says the debate is over, it's NOT a tax. He had to make a point to say to the scotus & the people "no, you're wrong, I've been right about this from the beginning". Maybe roberts is really a genius. Maybe he foresaw obamas gloating & saw this as a chance to get the people wake the #*@! up.

Anonymous said...

The really very scary thing about this is what actually happened here. The scotus came to the conclusion that as a "tax" they could't make obamacare stick. So they rewrote it as a "penalty" so that it would stick. So now the scotus bent over sideways to please obama & he couldn't just claim victory? He says the debate is over, it's NOT a tax. He had to make a point to say to the scotus & the people "no, you're wrong, I've been right about this from the beginning". Maybe roberts is really a genius. Maybe he foresaw obamas gloating & saw this as a chance to get the people wake the #*@! up.

Anonymous said...

The really very scary thing about this is what actually happened here. The scotus came to the conclusion that as a "tax" they could't make obamacare stick. So they rewrote it as a "penalty" so that it would stick. So now the scotus bent over sideways to please obama & he couldn't just claim victory? He says the debate is over, it's NOT a tax. He had to make a point to say to the scotus & the people "no, you're wrong, I've been right about this from the beginning". Maybe roberts is really a genius. Maybe he foresaw obamas gloating & saw this as a chance to get the people wake the #*@! up.

Anonymous said...

Supreme Court---It's a Tax!!
Libtards---It's a penalty!!

The reason Libtards are running as fast as they can from the “tax” label, is, they know damn good and well all those waivers Obama passed around will become null and void under that premise. How many of those waivers did he pass out??? There are going to be some pi$$ed of Obummer supporters!!

No President can excuse or recuse anyone from paying a tax

Anonymous said...

Take a step back and get the big picture on just what is going on here. This new law is not about healthcare. It's about revenue. The federal government is broke. It is borrowing $3.5 billion every day from China, Japan, and Germany just to pay its current operating expenses. Uncle Sam needs your money! Since millions of Americans will opt to pay the 2.5% of income fine for being uninsured, rather than the max 8-9% of income healthcare insurance premium, Washington stands to rake in billions of dollars in ACA fines annually. Money the Emperor desperately needs to keep the empire afloat, and to keep our glorious legions strong!

Anonymous said...

Will someone please bring attention to all the exemptions and the fact that Congress is not a part of this plan! Also, what about those who pay no taxes or do not file a return? How will they be handled?

Anonymous said...

The ease with which the Supreme Court rolled over for the President in rubber-stamping Obamacare is simply mind-boggling. It reminds me of an article that I read years ago.
In the decade after World War II, at the beginning of the Cold War, a reporter asked the famous Israeli freedom fighter/statesman David Ben- Gurion what he thought the future would be for both the (then) Soviet Union and the United States. Ben-Gurion responded by saying that the Soviet Union had no option but to become more like the United States, and the United States had no option but to become more like the Soviet Union.
If the Administration in Moscow - I mean Washington - can successfully reduce the Supreme Court to the level of a lap dog, then the Constitution has become meaningless and we are all in danger.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Congressional exemption to the health plan, that's just status quo for big government. There are numerous examples of laws that Congressmen/women do not have to obey, like traffic laws and airport security checks. One must understand that Congress is a law unto itself, and this probably won't change. Unless they commit a violent crime or high treason during time of war, there are very few federal laws which they apply to themselves. It would not be foolish to infer that a waiver deal for "the Hill" was probably worked out with the White House long before this plan came to the floor for a vote.