Saturday, July 30, 2011

Video Debate: Sen Marco Rubio vs. Sen John Kerry:

Senator Marco Rubio [R-FL] took to the Senate floor for a 15 minute speech on the Debt Ceiling debate. Around 7 minutes in Sen. John Kerry [D-MA] thought he would try and debate him.
Hat Tip:  Red State

1 comment:

BLT31 said...

There seems to be a problem in the United States these days with political correctness. The liberal left wing can spout lies, name calling and swear to anyone they desire but when they are bitch slapped back at em' they do their usuall crybaby, whining routine. There is only one term for this..............screw you! We conservatives have had enough. We are taking this country back and you and your Bill Ayers, Bill Mahers, John Kerry, Rosie O'Donnells, Al Sharpton, Capt. Bullshit and Joe "Bite Me" Bidden can all take a hike. You and your kind have a little over a year to go and the country will become sane and secure once again. If you don't like it, move to California, the upper half anyhow, and enjoy life as you will deserve......with all the other loons in Nancy Pelosi's district! Read this article below and enjoy life.