Saturday, August 6, 2011

Video: Rich Man - Poor Man by Bill Whittle:

Superlative Video by Bill Whittle talks about the state of the poor in America.  He shows how the average Poor American has luxuries that most in the world would envy:

Video:  Rich Man - Poor Man by Bill Whittle


Anonymous said...

our nation has falled to such a low low point in self esteme and self worth and turned it all over to Government to nurture us


Silence Dogood said...

The constant propaganda from the left is designed specifically to incite class warfare the end goal being civil war. The destruction of our constitutional republic is imperative for the left to govern as a totalitarian dictatorship. For the left to succeed the youth, the gullible and foolish must be functionally illiterate and bereft of spirit. The last hope for a peaceful resolution is to purge the evil from the Federal government in 2012 or suffer the bondage of totalitarianism forever.