Friday, September 23, 2011

Bibi Netanyahu addresses the United Nations

 Benjamin Netanyahu slams the U.N. as "Theater of the Absurd"


Da Curly Wolf said...

it IS the theater of the absurd. it's also a council of the insane. It's been useless since it's inception IMNSHO. I wish we could have a president with the BALLS[or Iron Tits as the case may be] to tell the U.N. We don't want you, we don't need you, you're a goddamn joke. We resign from this particular council of idiots, and further more..we're pulling up the welcome mat. now get the fuck out of our country!

Average American said...

Yeah! What Da Curly Wolf said, but make sure they pay their frigging parking tickets BEFORE they leave!

You have to feel sorry for PM Netanyahu though. Doesn't he realize that nothing good ever comes from pissing in the wind?

Ha!! My verification word is "prics". Very apropos for the situation...

Miggie said...

I agree 100% with Curly!
Not only should we get out of the UN and stop giving funds to all our enemies and all the UN organizations that help our enemies, we should set up a new organization. Call it the League of Democratic Countries or something. There should be strict membership requirements. No tyrants, no human rights abusers, no terrorist sponsors will be allowed in. Only those that have a rule of law, a just justice system, equal rights for all countires would even be allowed in. And they should be audited every year to be able to stay in the organization.

Even if it is only 2 or 10 or 20 countries in the world, it would be more influential and more effective than the corruption ridden hate-filled majority of the UN. It just doesn't work for us any longer and we could save some precious resources by cutting them off.