Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The BEST editorial page you will find:

is Investor's Business Daily IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that clearly show the benefits of Free Markets and Capitalism.  A sampling:

Scandal:  A major-league pitcher was indicted for lying to Congress about steroid use. Administration memos show Eric Holder lied about what he knew about Fast and Furious and when he knew it. What's the difference?

Responsibility:  The president admits that Americans are not better off than they were four years ago — a fact he can hardly deny. But he steadfastly refuses to own up and take blame for his policy failures.

War On Terror:  As al-Qaida cues up a post-mortem screed by Anwar Awlaki, sympathetic media are doing their own martyring. They claim U.S. warmongering made the terror traitor angry.

Energy:  Environmentalists are making a last stand against the Keystone XL pipeline with a scare campaign about groundwater. Time to review the facts and let the project proceed.

Supreme Court:  Forget unconvincing liberal demands that Clarence Thomas recuse himself from the ObamaCare case because his wife is a Tea Partyer. Ex-Obama operative Elena Kagan has a true conflict.

Politics:  Damned as an "outrage" in the press, Bank of America's just-announced $5 monthly fee for ATM use was a logical and predictable result of a Dodd- Frank financial bill that fixed prices. Guess who gets to pay for it?

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